Opposites Attract, But Do They Stay Together?
Everyone has heard the old saying "opposites attract" but has anyone really asked how those couples make their relationship work? Check...

5 Ways to be Your Own Best Friend
There is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that reads, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with...

‘I’ Messages: How Removing ‘You’ Can Change a Conversation
"I" messages or "I" statements—an important tool in assertive communication—can help get your needs met while also showing the other...

5 Simple Tips to Boost Your Productivity
I am almost always on time. I don't miss the opening credits to a movie, I return items before the 30 days are up, and I leave the house...

Music is Therapy
Dick Clark said, “Music is the soundtrack to our lives.” I don’t see anything to disagree with in that statement. Think about how music...

The Power of "If/Then" Language
“Mason” loves his trains. He is particularly fond of the blue and the red ones, and wants to carry them around everywhere. In fact, he...

So...How Does This Work?
Ah, the first session. Or as I like to call it, "The Great First Leap". Because as you will see, when someone calls or emails me to...

"You'll be fine" and Other Ways We Invalidate Children
It's a common scene. A child nervously walks to the front of a diving board, looks down, and becomes overcome with fear. He or she...